Sunday, May 15, 2016

Microaggression Blog Post

I had never encounter a microaggresion in my life. However, my sister encounter a microaggression when someone in Chinatown, a caucasian person, went to her and said "ching chong ching chong" and walked away.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Logo Blog Post

Logo Blog Post

1. I own many of adidas's merchandise and I like enjoy the products because they are well made. Their products can be worn at any given time and are for almost any occasion. I think this logo is well made because it is not overly complicated and is pretty simple. This is good because, being simple, will allow me to distinguish the logo all over places. It is very sleek so it is not ugly, or unattractive to my eyes. 

This is well designed as the font used clearly represents the idea that the company's services are about digital based. The font used is literally pixels which, with me associating pixels with video games and digital-based things, allows me to have an idea on what the company is about.

The animal in the middle (assuming its a wolf) is well made as it is really sleek and simple. There are no colors that are very strong and each color helps the other colors look better.
The background of the logo is very nice, as it is not too strong on the eye. The usage of one color for the fonts does not make it too overpowering.
I like the logo because it uses an image that clearly allows one to know what the company is about (something about greek yogurt) yet it isn't overly complicated which shows a certain sleekness. 
I like the logo because the image of the clouds with a scarf is just a really eye-pleasing and nice looking image. Almost all the logos are really sleek and simple, which in my opinion is better than when there is too much going on. 
I like the logo because it uses only one font and one color yet the font sizes differ. i also like how the image of the pigeon bird thing coordinates with the color of the font, which makes it not as abrasive as other logos. Some logos, I feel, are too complicated and hurts my eyes because of the amount of color and font types they use. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Poster Project Blog Post

                                            Poster Project Blog Post

                            Final                                                                                        Draft 1

Do you believe your stance clear within your poster? Defend your answer- image, fonts, color, composition, etc.
I do believe my stance is clear in my poster. The contrast in font for the "good" side and "bad" side
clearly exemplifies how Muslims are portrayed as "evil" and "violent" (shown through the capital, bolded, dark and block like letters), while the Christians are portrayed as "pure" and "good"(shown through the lower case, bright, and "easy-going" letters). In the middle, allows one to see how we are all human and should not be judged based on religion or the appearance of a person.

From your initial thumbnail sketches to your hand drawn draft- Do you feel you were successful in re-creating your poster idea digitally? If not, do you like the new visual outcome?
To a certain extent, I think I was successful in re-creating the poster digitally since the idea that Muslims should not be judged based on their religion was still prevalent. However, I felt that a new idea was conjoined with Muslims not being judged, which was the idea that people should not be judged based on their religion, but rather to focus on idea that no matter what religion one believes in, does not make them anymore different.  I do like the new visual outcome since it makes the stance a lot more relatable to both Muslims and non-Muslims, allowing both to understand the idea that one should not be judged, no matter who or what they worship. It also allows one to see the stereotypes that are placed upon people just because of their appearance and religion.

What were the changes you made from your first version to the last version of the poster? Explain why you made those changes?
One change was shifting the focus on how Muslims shouldn't be stereotyped based on their appearance and religion to the focus that nobody, regardless of religion and race, should not be stereotyped based on appearance. In addition, that we should accept each other because we are all humans. I made the change so the stance can actually be relatable to not only one race, but rather as society as a whole. It allows for everyone to feel included and to feel passionately about how nobody should be generalized.

Looking over your rubric, which category do you think your project is strongest? Explain why. Which category do you feel the least confident? Explain why.
Concept wise, I think it is my area that is the strongest. At glance, it is easily recognized that the stance talks about discrimination on those of certain  religions and races. It easily categorizes the Muslim as "evil" and the signs of Christianity and Judaism as "pure" and "good", while having words that goes against these stereotypes. Skills and Technique may have been the weakest category as I was very confused with a lot of the mechanics in Illustrator and felt that some aspects of the poster was rushed since I felt that I could have chosen better fonts to highlight the problems in discrimination.

What was the most challenging aspect of the project, conceptually?
It was incredibly hard to start where to put anything. I wondered if certain things would be seen as too cliche or done already before. It was hard to find a unique way to format the poster, while making it known what the stance of the poster.

What was most challenging about the project, technically?
The most challenging aspect of the project was just understanding how to use Illustrator as I did not understand how to use most of the mechanics. It was especially hard to move and change certain images as they overlapped forcing me to redo everything, essentially restarting the project.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


I am strongly passionate about not supporting Donald Trump and his insane views. He wants to stop all Muslims from traveling to the U.S and wants to label and identify each Muslim inhabitants in the U.S. Blaming all the muslims is not morally right, yet people still support this horrible man, which, to be honest, frightens me.  So should all Japanese people be labeled and turned away from the U.S just because of previous wars? Not every person that was a part of the race who did horrid things should be applied to everyone who is the same race?

Another controversial topic that I believe is lgbt rights. It sickens me that people believe that these people are not deserving are rights just because of something they cannot change makes me annoyed. This is the same situation in the past, when colored people or women had no rights in society. People believe it goes against the church and God, which I believe that they are being extremely radical. Many of bibles go against ideas that now, many accept. Should a person be look down upon because of their race, something they were born with?