Thursday, September 24, 2015

Graphic Design Homework #1

Hi, the name's Jack. I really enjoy playing video games so much that I would rather stay indoors the whole day rather than out to continue playing. I don't really have any favorite sports except for jogging.

I spent a lot of times in the summer just hanging out with friends, and just catching up with my old ones, surprisingly because I love staying in. This was a picture outside my friend's place after I hung out with my group to play video games. I think this was around 9th street, and I took the picture because the sun was very pretty.

I went with a couple of friends to watch "Papertowns" because I read the book, and highly like John Green books and his previous movie "The Fault in Our Stars". During most of my summer, I watched a lot of movies with friends. This was around the 42nd street's AMC.

I spent almost everyday with my dog, Yuki, because I had summer school during most of August, and couldn't hang out.  This took place almost the whole summer, and this picture was taken at my home. 



  1. Yas. John Green is amazing. You should read more of his books :D Anyway, sweet page! Your dog is too cute.

  2. I really love the first picture! Its beautiful, love the way you captured the sun. I agree with Anna, John Green is amazing =)

  3. Your dog is so cute I want to cry ;-;
    Over the summer I saw Paper Towns with friends also! I agree with Anna and Umme about John Green lol

  4. Nice post! Your dog is so adorable that I want to have a dog as a pet, but I couldn't. Seems like you still enjoyed your summer despite the fact that you had summer school.

  5. Your dog is so cute!! And hahaha I love staying in, too! It's nice you keep in touch with your old friends, sounds like those meetups were pretty fun!

  6. Your dog is soo cute!!!! It seems like you had a relaxing summer.
